HAPPY FRIDAY!! I hope you all enjoyed the warmer weather today! A little change from the freezing temperatures and snow last week!
New items

New on our shelves this week, you can find new varieties of both Theo and Dagoba chocolate bars. We also have 100% organic Beef Jerky, (i believe for the first time ever in the Co-op). There is a new type of Ginger brew and Wildberry Nectar new this week as well. Bob’s Red Mill Whole Wheat Pastry flour is another new item you can find. Just in time for all your Holiday Baking.
Food Handlers Card

There is still a surplus of items awaiting bagging at the Co-op. I wanted to clarify as well, to get your food handlers card, you wont be attending a class, you simply have to make it through a movie on the topics and then take a short test, probably only taking up to about an hour out of your time. You can find the schedule for when this will be shown on the Health Departments website.


With the holidays fast approaching, make sure to let me know if there is anything you want to see on the shelves to holiday baking or cooking. I hope you all have great weekend!!!

-Anna Spears
San Juan Community Food Co-op