You will notice a change in our milk offerings, and I hope there’s something for everyone.
My reading tells me non-homogenized may be better than homogenized, that glass bottles may be better than paper or plastic, and Jersey milk has more nutritive value than Holstein milk, so I ordered a small delivery from Twin Brook Creamery in Custer, Washington, north of Bellingham. It is not organic, but the milk is from a small herd of seventy pastured cows and the milk is gently processed on the farm. It’s excellent.
On Wednesday morning we will also get a delivery of whole and 2% half gallons of organic milk from a herd of 180 Holsteins in plastic jugs from Fresh Breeze Organic Dairy across the field from Twin Brook. They also process their milk as gently as possible in their own plant, preserving valuable nutrients.
Both of these farms have been family run for five continuous generations.
The reason for the switch is to honor the growing sentiment for local and regional and lightly processed foods. Also, it has been noticed that Market Place now sells Organic Valley milk cheaper than we can offer it and most people shop for price. I hope you are pleased with the new milk in our fridge!
— Eleanor