HAPPY THURSDAY CO-OPERS!!!! I hope you all survived the 70mph winds last night with out any damage!!!
New items
Our shelves are stocked full from yesterday’s UNFI order. We have two flavors of kefir this week, as well as eggnog and sparkling cider for your holiday gatherings! We also have some new local goodies gracing our shelves; sauerkraut and three varieties of pickles straight from the Skagit Valley! Fresh ground peanut butter, croutons, and dog treats from the Bread Farm in Bow are also making an appearance! Eleanor and I took an adventure off island last week to find all of the above listed. It feels great to see first hand where our products in the Co-op are coming from! Talk about cutting down on transportation distance!!
With the holiday of feasting rapidly approaching, please feel free to lend suggestions for all items you would like to see on your table next week. Also this would be a great week to place wholesale orders for some of the items we may not be able to fit on our shelves.
Cheese Club
Our cheese club idea is finally starting to materialize. We will be ordering a bulk cheese (yet to be decided upon) this upcoming week. This would be a great addition to your Thanksgiving spread! If you would be interested in getting a portion of the cheese please send your name and contact information to apspears27@gmail.com. The number of people we will split the cheese between is limited, so this will be on a first come first serve basis.
Eleanor’s Corner
As the instigator of local foods in the co-op, always on the lookout for local and regional products for our little store, I’ve been asking folks lately how to understand when local trumps organic. It turns out that with concerns about the dilution of the organic label, about food safety, about a sustainable food supply, and about carbon footprint, the answer is “Local is the New Organic”! Anna and I took a most wonderful research expedition to Skagit last Friday and we intend to pursue those leads and make more excursions. Many of you have taken the hundred mile pledge this Thanksgiving and you’ll notice a few more regional items trickling into our shelves and fridges. If anyone wants to join our search and volunteer to transport goods, please let us know! – e.
Golden Glen Creamery
One of the places Eleanor and I were able to venture to on our exploration was the Golden Glen Creamery in Bow. They carry a great selection of glass bottle, cream top, non homogenized milk using a “slow pasteurization” method. They also carry butter, cheeses, and eggs. And although they do not carry an organic label they are local, and small scale. How do Co-opers feel about carrying this product? Personally, I feel that local may trump organic is some aspects. Check out their website http://www.goldenglencreamery.com and let me know your thoughts! This would be a great opportunity to start a website forum discussion on this subject!
New website
Make sure to check out the new and improved web page, developed by webmaster Chris Small! A huge thanks to Chris for all his hard work!!!!
Have a great rest of your week!!!!!!!!!
Anna Spears
SJI Community Food Co-op