HAPPY FRIDAY CO-OPS!!!! And what a perfect Friday it is!!! The sun is shinin’ and the weather is sweet! I hope you all had an wonderful holiday yesterday. Sharing food, laughs, games, stories: it doesn’t get much better!
UNFI order
Unfortunately, the UNFI truck did not make its scheduled delivery this Wednesday due a major confusion. My biggest apologies for the store not being stocked to its fullest this week!!! For all of you who ordered wholesale this past week, your order will transfer over to next week (Dec. 2). If you would like to remove any of those items make sure to let me know.
New items
Eleanor and I took another adventure off island last Sunday, to Lopez Island to seek out some goodies for the Co-op. We made our first stop at the Lopez Island Farm to pick up some delicious cuts of meat, awaiting your purchase now in the Co-op!! We also picked up some peach chutney and apple curry sauces. For all other products that the Lopez Island Farm carries check out their website, www.lopezislandfarm.com.
Our next stop on Lopez was to Blossom Grocery. What a great place!!! The size (roughly 1,000 sq feet), location, and products they carry are all down the line of where we would like to see our little Co-op go in the future. Browsing through the shelves, we stumbled upon some delicious little pickles, “Its Linda’s.” We decided we had to have them for the Co-op, so we found Linda and picked up two cases!! Make sure to check them out at the Co-op! They are really yummy!!!
Holiday Fair
Make sure you all get a chance to swing by the Elementary school this weekend for the Holiday Craft Fair. There will be lots of amazing hand made items; soaps, salves, earring, hats,and beautiful hand crafted Tongue Drums just to name a few!!! It is going on today (Friday) from 10-5 and Saturday from 10-4!
I hope you all get a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather today! Soak it up, while it lasts!!!! And have a great weekend!!!