HAPPY SPRING CO-OPERS!!!!!! Oh wait, it’s still winter…but this weather sure has me fooled!! I hope you all got a chance to get out in to the beauty today!!!!!

Fresh, local, produce!!

Our lovely mild January has brought a bounty of goods from Nootka Rose on Waldron Island. We have cauliflower, chard, kale, carrots, leeks, and lovely cabbage!! It is all going FAST, so hurry in to get your share.

We also have a delivery from Blue Moon, on Waldron as well, coming to us bright and early tomorrow morning.

The produce, of course, wouldn’t be there if the farmers hadn’t planted it, so the more we buy in the slower winter months, the more they will plant for us next year!! The local farmers have begun to notice that the Co-op now turns $2000 a month of food purchases right back into our local economy! How cool!!!

Puget Sound Food Network

Keep a look out for new local goods in the Co-op next week. Eleanor, Steffi, and myself will be taking a field trip to Skagit Vally next Tuesday with the help of our account manager, Lucy Norris (from psfn) to identify regional foods to bring to the Co-op.

The PSFN is a great resource for linking the producer with the supplier. The work very hard to bridge this gap between the two making the work of both parties much easier. For more information on them check out their website www.psfn.org
Co-op Growth

The time is NOW!! to make your New Year’s commitment to your Co-op! Bring your passion, your ideas, your skills, your expertise, your dedication to your community and c’mon over to the Long Range Planning Meeting this Saturday from 1 to 4pm at 272 Olympic View, off of Terrace Drive (off of Roche Harbor Rd.) How exciting to watch, and be a part of, making our lil’ Co-op grow!!!!!
Cheese Club

There are two yummy chunks of Parmesan (5lbs each) just waiting to be cut up and divided. Come in to sign up for your slice!!!!
Ice Cream

There is a SURPLUS of ice cream (both Coconut Bliss and Lopez Island Creamery) at the Co-op. Having a craving for sweets!!!! This is the perfect thing to satisfy it!!!!

Small Farm Intern Legislation

There are some major moves being made by Senator Ranker this week regarding internships on small farms.

Interns are a crucial part to helping to sustain the vitality of our small farms which make up a major part of the frame work of Washington State’s agricultural industry.

For more information on this legislation, and to make your voice heard visit:


I hope to see you all this Saturday!!! Enjoy your week!!!!!

-Anna Spears
SJI Community Food Co-op