HAPPY FRIDAY CO-OPERS!!!! I hope you are are enjoying this windy day!!!! We have had some very exciting things going on at the Co-op today!!! Come in and check them out!!!!


After looking, waiting, and wishing for a double door fridge (in good condition!) for the Co-op to house its produce we finally got one!!! It was moved in to the Co-op today and FILLED with beautiful produce from Nootka Rose Farm on Waldron Island!!!!

A HUGE thanks to all those who helped get the fridge from Ace Hardware yesterday and those who helped to move the old fridge out and the new one in today! Thanks to Lynn Danniher for letting us know the fridge was available, Ryan (manager of Star Storage/Surina Business Park), “Tall” Paul, Merle Thurman, Paul Roberts, and Ken Christison for getting the new fridge to the Co-op. I also want to thank Shawn Widing, Arvid Lindstrum, Matthew Palmer, and one other VERY helpful Co-op member (who was in the Co-op today) for getting the fridge in to the Co-op today!!!! THANKS EVERYONE!!!!! We would have never been able to do this without you all!


To fill our wonderful new fridge we have LOTS of BEAUTIFUL, FRESH produce from Nootka Rose and Blue Moon Farms. We have spring greens, braising greens, broccoli (LOTS OF IT!!), cabbage (both green and purple), brussel sprouts, carrots, juicing carrots, chard, parsley, arugula, celeriac, beets, parsnips, and kale!!!!!! WOW!! What an amazing selection!!!! I am sure it will go quick so make sure you come in and get yours!!!!!!


We also have a fresh supply of bread from Bakery San Juan. Dark Rye, Multigrain, and Spelt grain are all at the Co-op, just waiting for you to come by!!!

Have a great weekend Co-opers!!!!!

-Anna Spears
SJI Food Co-op